Relaxing podillow with Safety pockets- Buy it smartly!
Buy podillow Smartly!
- Register as tycoon at, in simple 3 steps
- In dashboard click on my products >> add tweebaa products >> add podillow to your store.
- The product is now available in your tycoon store, click view all tweebaa product and you will see podillow.
- You are now ready to place order for podillow. Click on place order and buy it from here.
- Fill the payment info and check out, now wait for your podillow to arrive.
Whether you are on a beach trip or poolside lying facedown for hours and relaxing is easy with podillow, which comes with safety pockets underneath so you don’t have to worry about wallet, phone, keys etc while you are relaxing. The product is equally great for home massage and gives you the same feeling as a massage parlor on your own bed.
This great patented product is available at very special price if you register in tweebaa as a tycoon. Get this product at special rate for yourself or sell it anywhere by registering at tweebaa.
Podillow is loaded with features and comes with added value pack:
- Made with swimsuit material, durable and long lasting.
- Food grade microbeads for maximum comfort.
- Soft pliable foam base
- Keeps you phone and other electronic devices protected from water and sand
- Also comes with water proof cell phone bag.
- Aromatic infused rubber base to help you relax.
- New colors and patterns to fit different situations and moods.
Tweebaa tycoon provides you loads of innovative products at wholesale price, build a free online store with our tool, no subscription or payment is needed and you don’t have to buy inventory. The world’s first earning commerce platform provides opportunity for everyone to monetize their hobbies, interest, skills, talents, and special experience. Simply turn your ideas into a digital product and sell it through tweebaa, the opportunities are endless, be the first to benefit from this earning revolution.
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