TWEE ATH? or more to come?
Editor: otemzi & Susan Bai
Hi guys and welcome to another lovely weekend, the past few weeks has been a bumpy ride with BTC riding a somewhat violent wave after hitting 11200 but soon later bounced back to 11400.
While this was taking place, a coin was actually pushing through all this and defying the basic rule of crypto which says if BTC dumps, other types of coin must follow but the reverse was the case with TWEE.
One might say TWEE has been a sleeping giant that needed somewhat of a strong push to rekindle it and since then it has been all about the pump and the coin seems to have more space before completely filling up.
Naturally, for a business, project, or any related product to gain mass adoption and probably a wide use-case, it takes years if not decades to fully matured and probably a 2x increment of its price might be achievable then but TWEE did something the market is yet to fully comprehend, moving from its all-time low to a whooping increment of 1000x percentage and all this was achieved barely 9 months (260 days)and still not backing out.
During the ups and downs of Bitcoin we all experienced this past few months TWEE kept on pushing, even after major coins and altcoin suffered a backlash from BTC slight dip, TWEE never faced such as reflected on CMC with the screenshot below, rather it gained attention pulling a steady rise in its price as it mooned continuously.
For those not familiar with TWEE, it is the native token from the platform Tweebaa
Founded in 2012, Tweebaa is a value-added platform and a commerce platform that pays users for their value-added.
For a platform to gain a wide-scale audience it must be willing to offer certain aspects and also value, which Tweebaa is all about, users are paid based on different activities carried out on the platform, from invitation to something simpler which is a recommendation.
Tweebaa is a commerce platform means users are able to sell items, but items been sold here can be physical or virtual, users simply recommend a product they think will attract purchasers and Tweebaa on the other hand simply make enquires and then make a presale of such items if the amount of users interested in that product grows over time, it becomes added and the referred users start earning divide-ends from simply recommending.
The ways by which users can earn from Tweebaa are numerous and the above is simply one of many ways.
Going back to the market, Twee has a total supply of 2 billion and a diluted market volume of already 144 billion and counting each minute.
Faced with different bumps and down surrounding the crypto space, one can only ponder how far TWEE will climb or how we about to experience another and separated bull run totally based on a single coin called TWEE?
With all this said TWEE is definitely a coin you want to look out for
The above is not financial advice but strictly educational and entertainment purposes, users are always advised to do their own research before investing in any digital or offline platform.
Learn more about TWEE from its webpage