World Kindness Day
— Tweebaa Earning University
Founded on November 13th, 1998 by the World Kindness Movement, World kindness day is a day that encourages the act of kindness. Its intention is to inspire people to be kind to each other, with the understanding that human kindness is important to society. This has become an international event and is celebrated all over the world.
For many, it is in our nature to be kind and to help or render help when it is needed. However, as times change and we become preoccupied with our own lives, demands, interests and stress, it is easy to become complacent to others and forget the importance of kindness. There are many ways to be kind, and the ways we can be kind have changed over the years. From the distribution of food items or money to modern virtual kindness via the internet and showing kindness by way of emojis, stickers, and even digital currencies.
Kindness can go from a simple acknowledgement to a phone call or spending time with friends, family, or reaching out to people you don’t know. The idea is simply to demonstrate that someone cares and not only give kindness to others but also be open to receiving it yourself too.
At Tweebaa, it is our mission to extend kindness to as many people as we can, and we encourage our community to do the same. Our whole business is to enable and encourage, it is at the heart of what we do. We provide opportunities for anyone to grow, develop, start a business, succeed and create a good and rewarding way of life. We showcase individuals’ skills, abilities and personalities while promoting and celebrating individuality, kindness and compassion. We are the first to enable people to learn, develop, communicate, network, buy, sell and earn, all in one place.
Here are some ways that you can extend kindness today on Tweebaa;
- Engaging in a post created by other users
Words go a long way and even brief words of encouragement can lift someone’s spirits, rekindle their beliefs, and encourage them to put in more effort.
Tweebaa is community-driven and to gain the most benefit from it requires interaction between the community. People encourage people. Friendship can begin over a series of conversations and this can be achieved with a simple ‘Hello’, ‘Nice design’, ‘Keep up the great work’, or ‘I am a huge fan of your posts’. Such simple words of encouragement can make an enormous difference to someone’s day.
Give it a try today…
- Like a post
Past experience has shown that individuals attach different values to different actions. What you consider as nothing, might just mean the entire world to someone else.
Liking posts should be a part of your Tweebaa daily routine. If you read a post that totally catches your attention, then leave a like on the post to show the author you appreciate it.
It might not mean a lot to you but knowing that someone out there read their work and loves it, can mean a lot to others.
- Contact your friends
Friendship doesn’t just happen; you have to reach out and interact to facilitate it. The internet is wide, vast and global, and means that it is now possible to create relationships with people from around the world more than ever before.
Sending a message and communicating, can give you an idea of what is going on outside of your space. People love to chat and interact and so will always look for ways to communicate with others.
- Show your love by sending out a T-Bean Gift
If you have seen a post that made you smile and feel good, or that you appreciate and has contributed something to your day, then send the author some T-beans. A T-Bean is worth 10 cents, and we figure it’s a small price to pay for appreciation. We encourage sending T-beans as a form of acknowledgement and especially with today being work kindness day, it can go a long way to encourage other users
No gesture of kindness is ever too small, it’s the thought behind it that counts. Go ahead and make a difference to someone’s day today.